wasnt THAT bad....
hmm....no offence but i just want to point out...why is there so much crap comming in lately? i mean like, for the past 2 days ive seen nothing new but crap.... this was kinda good though....i guess
wasnt THAT bad....
hmm....no offence but i just want to point out...why is there so much crap comming in lately? i mean like, for the past 2 days ive seen nothing new but crap.... this was kinda good though....i guess
Well..your undecided thats ok..
I'l try harder :D
lol! that was cool! <<interactivity a 5 cause replay dont work =p>> make more olol.......and what WAS the song u used?
It's Called "Open Ended" Its the theme song to "Curb Your Enthusiasm" on HBO
finally something u made thats good for a whilethe ending in megaman/x thing wasnt good and the first movie to this series wasnt that great....but this....this is good
THIS RULES OVER ROCKMAN NEO LIKE HELLLLL! this should get into the top 5 of all times.... god i wish i knew how to draw like u...oh btw people who didnt get it b4...a TRIBUTE is a thing a bit off from the original story...but seriously u rock....make ur own characters and own stuff and make hella episodes like foamy....and maybe..MAYBE u can get ur own collection =p
my originals will be out soon, this was just made out of spare time betwen working on other projects. thanks for the review!
that was pretty cool i got bored of it though...i gave this a 2...i rarely give out anything besides 0 or 5... i just couldnt decide
A 3 would of been ok.
FUCK YOU!!!!! TO BE CONLUDED AT THE BEST PART!! I HATE YOU!!! lol damn that was good....i guess ill have to wait.... btw, can u tell me what site u got those sprites off of? i am makin part 4 of my series <<sprites>> and i need better sprites. my aim is bananabuttt <<has 3 t's dont ask>> so yeah
i got most of them from psyguy.com
Forget all those poeple, make em cuss!! btw i sent you an email.....how do u get zero or megaman to not havge that white bg, and how do u get them to move?
1. you have to get a sprite sheet
2. Copy the sprite sheet then paste it
into flash
3. Click on the sprite sheet and on the
Modify menu and click Trace Bitmap
4. Put this on the settings
Color Threshold: 1
Minimum Area: 1
Curve Fit: Pixels
Corner Threshold: Many Corners
5. The more grpahics, the longer it take to load.
Then when it's done loading, click somewhere else besides the sprite sheet
6. Click on the background color and cut it
7.I'll continue this message on your email letter
8. Hope this helps!!! :P
I'm fucking awesome.
Age 34, Male
Best Buy / Student
Cogswell Polytechnical College
Sunnyvale, CA
Joined on 1/19/03